urgent action of solidarity with the Roma Terralba
First they came for the gypsies and I was happy because pilfered.
Then they came for the Jews and I said nothing because I was unsympathetic.
Then they came for the homosexuals and I was relieved because I was annoying.
Then they came for the Communists and I did not say anything because I was not a Communist.
One day they came for me and there was nobody left to protest. "B. Brecht
Across Italy, day after day, the human and civil rights of the Roma people are being violated by our administrators. A nation, that of Roma, protected on paper in Sardinia with ad hoc regional laws that "give rights" to the "nomads" to "preserve their culture," but then this is not carried out by the facts, or when you try to practice the money is from ' Regional Assembly are never enough.
In everyday life, the peaceful life of the Roma population is disturbed raid authorized by the evacuation orders immediately where their homes are destroyed, broken goods, and people are left on the street, but most are punished the smaller communities, boys and girls already living in a difficult context of social inclusion. Sometimes we
of reading and information-clearing in various parts of Italy, remain motionless, as if we are sure that here in our land, this could never happen. It happens ... A few days ago, has been cleared and destroyed a Roma settlement that stood on the edge of Terralba, and now the small community, with 28 children, it is displaced by force, or rather it would if there were Don Giovanni Usai and the Samaritan community.
The contributions made by Don Giovanni Usai that the hosts in the land of the community he managed is certainly great and precious, welcome and give new certainties to minors in particular has an enormous human and social value, should be the example to follow for all of us.
Many members of our association and militants are fighting for years, the respect for and protection of this people and especially the rights of Roma children always extremely violated.
We who have walked with them, we cried and celebrated, we feel a deep unease when we read the political batage on our regional press, and, as Tutt * * those who have always dealing with human beings in distress read daily in the press of administrators and politicians for and against ROM, as if they were human beings with their bodies, their smiles, their joys, their love and their pain is hurting. It is not enough, and needless to say I AM a gypsy, I AM AN ILLEGAL like you, is not useful, does not solve the problem, unfortunately, continues to foment further tussle, now more than ever needed now more than ever SOLIDARITY 'CONCRETE. For now, the Roma families, and their children in school age are well accommodated at the Samaritan community, you need everything, but especially need concrete actions, as we confirmed the same Don John USAI, which he at first have been accepted in human terms, staying in tents provided by the civil protection, light and water they need to pull that chee-FIELD ..
But not enough not enough because the eviction of their camp to let unarmed without nulla.Ora is time to give a real helping hand, because this is what you ask and that's what we realized is that . Only Don Giovanni and his friends are not sufficient and we are obliged, n human duty, to ask for help to the population susceptible to this problem. Urgently needed food (pasta, sauce, sugar, coffee ....) CLOTHING AND UNDERWEAR, toys for children, first aid MEDICINE, anti-inflammatory, antihistamines and other (we give the list to those who request it) - we ask the doctors in the province of Oristano and beyond to help in the collection-
It needs all your help, even if you can not physically Economic, our association as always done so far will publish them online and that is why we offer our postal account No. 83660159 payable to the association or EL GATO Obrero IBAN IT75 L076 0117 4000 0008 3660 159 gatoobrero@yahoo.it transfers or paypal payment "for children Roma Terralba "
E 'need to concrete action, a gesture of human solidarity in order to restore confidence to those who now is under fire just as if you had a cleaning in place ethnicity. What is happening in this area now has become a mayor ridicolo.Prima sparse on the ground for a field other well-placed, then another issue an order for immediate evacuation, and no issues against Roma but intimate Don Giovanni. We doubt whether you prefer to see the Roma kampina parked along the roads of our area. It is more dignified and safer for themselves and for children to stay still, we camped, but camping in a safe and secure place?? We are Don Giovanni and support but above all we are from the Roma, our brothers.
These days many of our friends carry out a collection of items needed and we as an association in the square Oristano to collect your contribution, we will communicate to the shortest time and place, but in the meantime we remain available to our users on 3397916117 or mail gatoobrero@yahoo.it * for everyone to citizens wishing to contribute can do so with a gesture of solidarity and freedom soon.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Pityriasis Rosea And Ringworm
Helping Roma Terralba. Concrete solidarity
For ROM-ke were Terralba Arborea-time-in fact guests of Don Giovanni serves SOLIDARITY 'Car * CONCRETE
we were visiting friends ROM object subject of a tragic brawl in our politic regional press ... At that
* like us who always dealing with human beings in daily press difficoltĂ leggere administrators and local politicians ROM or against, as if they were human beings with their bodies, their smiles, their joys, their loves and their sorrows makes us really bad. not enough to say I am a gypsy, I AM AN ILLEGAL as you need it now more than ever SOLIDARITY 'CONCRETE. For now
Roma families, including 28 school age children are well accommodated at the Samaritan community, of the now famous John USAI, they were greeted humanely, staying in tents provided dala civil protection, water and light that have ke serves to PULL AND FIELD ...
But not enough, because nonbasta the eviction of their camp with nothing left them helpless.
Now is the time to give a real helping hand, because this is what you ask and that's what we realized that it serves.
Solta Don Giovanni and his friends are not sufficient and we are on duty, a human duty, to ask for help.
first aid, anti-inflammatory, antihistamines, and more, we give the list to those who succeed requires, above all, protection is required for mosquitoes and insects - we ask the doctors in the province of Oristano and beyond to help in the collection-
GOODS FOOD (pasta, sauce, sugar, coffee ....)
Toys for children
eil We need your help, even if you can not physically Economic, our association as always done so far will publish them online and that is why we offer our postal account No. 83660159 payable all'associaiozne EL GATO Obrero or IBAN IT75 L076 0117 4000 0008 3660 159 gatoobrero@yahoo.it transfers or paypal payment "for children rom "
E 'need to concrete action, a gesture of human solidarity in order to restore confidence to those who now is under indictment as if there were ongoing ethnic cleansing.
What is happening in this area now has become ridiculous.
before a mayor to the ground a sparse field to another well-placed, then another issue an order for immediate evacuation, and no issues against Roma but intimate Don Giovanni to send immediately Via Roma
Perhaps preferisc and see kampina Roma parked along the roads of our country?? It is more dignified and safer pe rloro themselves and the children stay comunuqe, camping, but camping in a safe and secure place??
We are Don Giovanni and support but above all we are from the Roma, our brothers.
then reflected on these words
First they came for the gypsies, and I was happy because pilfered.
Then they came for the Jews and I said nothing because I was unsympathetic.
Then they came for the homosexuals and I was relieved because I was annoying.
Then they came for the Communists and I said nothing because I was not a Communist.
One day they came for me and there was nobody left to protest. "B. Brecht
AS ALWAYS REMAIN AVAILABLE ON Eleonora send sms 3397916117 or send email to gatoobrero@yahoo.it
Posted by El Gato at Obrero Sunday, July 6, 2008 0
For ROM-ke were Terralba Arborea-time-in fact guests of Don Giovanni serves SOLIDARITY 'Car * CONCRETE
we were visiting friends ROM object subject of a tragic brawl in our politic regional press ... At that
* like us who always dealing with human beings in daily press difficoltĂ leggere administrators and local politicians ROM or against, as if they were human beings with their bodies, their smiles, their joys, their loves and their sorrows makes us really bad. not enough to say I am a gypsy, I AM AN ILLEGAL as you need it now more than ever SOLIDARITY 'CONCRETE. For now
Roma families, including 28 school age children are well accommodated at the Samaritan community, of the now famous John USAI, they were greeted humanely, staying in tents provided dala civil protection, water and light that have ke serves to PULL AND FIELD ...
But not enough, because nonbasta the eviction of their camp with nothing left them helpless.
Now is the time to give a real helping hand, because this is what you ask and that's what we realized that it serves.
Solta Don Giovanni and his friends are not sufficient and we are on duty, a human duty, to ask for help.
first aid, anti-inflammatory, antihistamines, and more, we give the list to those who succeed requires, above all, protection is required for mosquitoes and insects - we ask the doctors in the province of Oristano and beyond to help in the collection-
GOODS FOOD (pasta, sauce, sugar, coffee ....)
Toys for children
eil We need your help, even if you can not physically Economic, our association as always done so far will publish them online and that is why we offer our postal account No. 83660159 payable all'associaiozne EL GATO Obrero or IBAN IT75 L076 0117 4000 0008 3660 159 gatoobrero@yahoo.it transfers or paypal payment "for children rom "
E 'need to concrete action, a gesture of human solidarity in order to restore confidence to those who now is under indictment as if there were ongoing ethnic cleansing.
What is happening in this area now has become ridiculous.
before a mayor to the ground a sparse field to another well-placed, then another issue an order for immediate evacuation, and no issues against Roma but intimate Don Giovanni to send immediately Via Roma
Perhaps preferisc and see kampina Roma parked along the roads of our country?? It is more dignified and safer pe rloro themselves and the children stay comunuqe, camping, but camping in a safe and secure place??
We are Don Giovanni and support but above all we are from the Roma, our brothers.
then reflected on these words
First they came for the gypsies, and I was happy because pilfered.
Then they came for the Jews and I said nothing because I was unsympathetic.
Then they came for the homosexuals and I was relieved because I was annoying.
Then they came for the Communists and I said nothing because I was not a Communist.
One day they came for me and there was nobody left to protest. "B. Brecht
AS ALWAYS REMAIN AVAILABLE ON Eleonora send sms 3397916117 or send email to gatoobrero@yahoo.it
Posted by El Gato at Obrero Sunday, July 6, 2008 0
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Skateland Putty Hill Hours
evicted Roma from Terralba serious violation of human rights
On July 1 the Regional Council approve the allocation of 500 thousand euro for social inclusion measures under the law of March 9 9 88 Tiziana known law in favor of the Roma in camps hosted municipal, adding that amount to half a million euro, the Regional Council has included in the 2008 Budget, aimed at consolidation of camping in the region, and Giampietro Pili, mayor of Terralba, and elected provincial council in the ranks of UDS, was able to finally clear out and destroy a couple of shacks of Roma citizens, located in private land owned by the same, in the countryside of the town of Terralba. After a battle lasting journalistic
certainly more than a year, the case has now become a national circulation. Last week, full-page, local newspapers and non-published interviews with the Mayor "death threats" by Roma
The escalation has occurred in these days when, in addition to reading the various news about the dangers Gypsies living in Terralba, there was stunned to statements and articles that only in a climate of blatant racism, such as that which exists now in Italy, could occur. At 6
Roma families, as well as dirt, pollution, make uncultivable land overlooking the field, it would certainly be a serious problem due to public safety that has raged on Terralba.
To us it seems absurd that a mayor can make such claims, as unreal as we know that Mr Pili is not remotely interested in resolving the case in other ways, such discriminatory treatment reminds us of medieval notices against the Roma. If it is true as
it seems that Roma citizens were living in sanitary conditions at the limit, and has been complied with the decree of eviction, it seems absurd that the mayor has not worked especially to give a different solution to the Roma population, as with other laws provide for the .
It 'clear that Mr Pili recently did, indeed we dare say he did nothing else but encourage and incite racism, alarming the population of Terralba and throughout the province. A few kilometers from
Terralba SNArcidano located in the municipality of another gypsy camp, one of the first field stop Sardinian there from the beginning of the municipal policies and center-of-center administrations have shown foresight and determination inclusion, in fact, the Roma camp is up and running, or rather the town gets funds available annually to create more infrastructure but also manages to carry out projects of social inclusion. The community must Arcidanese the presence of many Roma children remain in the state on-site nursery and primary schools.
It seems impossible that Mr. Pili and his staff do not know of the existence of the law Tiziana and other public funds in a dignified manner that solve a problem almost non-existent, given the small number of Roma citizens (60 out of a population of resident 10 thousand Italian), in this act of ignorance administrative notice a firm political will suppress the other.
fact that we read the daily press does not forget the immediate demand for Pili to the national government to launch the brand new security decree.
We believe that the political act by Pili are wrong and clearly of xenophobic, because instead of bringing havoc among citizens, a good administrator should protect all citizens, but should be especially attentive to the possibility of funding from the regional administration. Municipal administration right now has a continuing need for funds, especially for social policies and, in our view, no better opportunity could be to exploit the funding provided for those municipalities in which the Roma. Because the funding provided by law as well as provide a decent accommodation to Roma citizens can set up inclusion projects aimed at resolving conflicting issues that may arise but also to educate the mutual respect for diversity of all citizens. Certainly if the mayor of
Terralba for us guilty of a serious act of discrimination, no less so is the mayor of Marriottsville, also certainly not very hospitable and very little knowledge of the rules of protection of ethnic Roma
Spoken of stable ERSAT granted after mediation between the relevant regional advisers and in particular the interest of the 'Department of Health, but the mayor wants to host the Roma because it seems there are not even available housing for the citizens of Marriottsville, again no account is taken of the existing laws but also throws in the air the possibility of regional funding that might in any way be useful to a country like Marrubiu sure where social inclusion is not the best, so many other mayors respondents have "obviously" rejected the Roma, in solidarity with the labor unions. Unlike
rushed and attentive to the issues we felt it was the prefect, Dr. Tuveri, which in any way he worked for seek solutions.
E 'is for us a serious attitude and statements of Pili but above all his actions, regardless of the presence of elders and children, inciting racial hatred and discrimination, full of confused theories about imaginary ethnic hatred and war among gangs Roma.
can not understand why the mayor has had this interest in creating a national case while Sardinia has always stood for the great civilizations in the pass laws in favor of the immigrant population and especially of the Roma minority
Well finally broke loose in the case Terralba, all the newspapers talk about it, the Roma Terralba rises to be the most fearsome of Italy, the most offenders, we read of fights between Serbs and Roma, as Serbs and Roma who ask us, there seems to know Serbian citizens, probably just someone who knows the cultural differences of ethnic Serbs Roma points out how all of Orthodox Roma .
could not understand the reasons that prompted the mayor to create Pili this case, could not understand why little has been done to integrate these people.
There has been talk of the high degree of Roma with criminal records who had chosen to stay Terralba, we talk about many problems exist.
But we can not stand by and watch, we can not continue to see these acts, a of the largest evacuations of Sardinia, but can not remain unpunished especially a mayor who leaves of their common children, however, until the child reaches eighteen years of age have the same rights as Italian children, regardless of any possible discomfort more of these young people.
For these and many other reasons, our party, some associations, wishing to speak directly to the European Community, but also condemn the serious violations committed by the mayor of Terralba the Strasbourg Court, so that every citizen is granted equal status but especially that no mayor has the obligation and the right to undertake battles and ethnic and xenophobic.
Eleonora Casula
PRC SE Sardinia
Regional Office Area
rights and immigration
On July 1 the Regional Council approve the allocation of 500 thousand euro for social inclusion measures under the law of March 9 9 88 Tiziana known law in favor of the Roma in camps hosted municipal, adding that amount to half a million euro, the Regional Council has included in the 2008 Budget, aimed at consolidation of camping in the region, and Giampietro Pili, mayor of Terralba, and elected provincial council in the ranks of UDS, was able to finally clear out and destroy a couple of shacks of Roma citizens, located in private land owned by the same, in the countryside of the town of Terralba. After a battle lasting journalistic
certainly more than a year, the case has now become a national circulation. Last week, full-page, local newspapers and non-published interviews with the Mayor "death threats" by Roma
The escalation has occurred in these days when, in addition to reading the various news about the dangers Gypsies living in Terralba, there was stunned to statements and articles that only in a climate of blatant racism, such as that which exists now in Italy, could occur. At 6
Roma families, as well as dirt, pollution, make uncultivable land overlooking the field, it would certainly be a serious problem due to public safety that has raged on Terralba.
To us it seems absurd that a mayor can make such claims, as unreal as we know that Mr Pili is not remotely interested in resolving the case in other ways, such discriminatory treatment reminds us of medieval notices against the Roma. If it is true as
it seems that Roma citizens were living in sanitary conditions at the limit, and has been complied with the decree of eviction, it seems absurd that the mayor has not worked especially to give a different solution to the Roma population, as with other laws provide for the .
It 'clear that Mr Pili recently did, indeed we dare say he did nothing else but encourage and incite racism, alarming the population of Terralba and throughout the province. A few kilometers from
Terralba SNArcidano located in the municipality of another gypsy camp, one of the first field stop Sardinian there from the beginning of the municipal policies and center-of-center administrations have shown foresight and determination inclusion, in fact, the Roma camp is up and running, or rather the town gets funds available annually to create more infrastructure but also manages to carry out projects of social inclusion. The community must Arcidanese the presence of many Roma children remain in the state on-site nursery and primary schools.
It seems impossible that Mr. Pili and his staff do not know of the existence of the law Tiziana and other public funds in a dignified manner that solve a problem almost non-existent, given the small number of Roma citizens (60 out of a population of resident 10 thousand Italian), in this act of ignorance administrative notice a firm political will suppress the other.
fact that we read the daily press does not forget the immediate demand for Pili to the national government to launch the brand new security decree.
We believe that the political act by Pili are wrong and clearly of xenophobic, because instead of bringing havoc among citizens, a good administrator should protect all citizens, but should be especially attentive to the possibility of funding from the regional administration. Municipal administration right now has a continuing need for funds, especially for social policies and, in our view, no better opportunity could be to exploit the funding provided for those municipalities in which the Roma. Because the funding provided by law as well as provide a decent accommodation to Roma citizens can set up inclusion projects aimed at resolving conflicting issues that may arise but also to educate the mutual respect for diversity of all citizens. Certainly if the mayor of
Terralba for us guilty of a serious act of discrimination, no less so is the mayor of Marriottsville, also certainly not very hospitable and very little knowledge of the rules of protection of ethnic Roma
Spoken of stable ERSAT granted after mediation between the relevant regional advisers and in particular the interest of the 'Department of Health, but the mayor wants to host the Roma because it seems there are not even available housing for the citizens of Marriottsville, again no account is taken of the existing laws but also throws in the air the possibility of regional funding that might in any way be useful to a country like Marrubiu sure where social inclusion is not the best, so many other mayors respondents have "obviously" rejected the Roma, in solidarity with the labor unions. Unlike
rushed and attentive to the issues we felt it was the prefect, Dr. Tuveri, which in any way he worked for seek solutions.
E 'is for us a serious attitude and statements of Pili but above all his actions, regardless of the presence of elders and children, inciting racial hatred and discrimination, full of confused theories about imaginary ethnic hatred and war among gangs Roma.
can not understand why the mayor has had this interest in creating a national case while Sardinia has always stood for the great civilizations in the pass laws in favor of the immigrant population and especially of the Roma minority
Well finally broke loose in the case Terralba, all the newspapers talk about it, the Roma Terralba rises to be the most fearsome of Italy, the most offenders, we read of fights between Serbs and Roma, as Serbs and Roma who ask us, there seems to know Serbian citizens, probably just someone who knows the cultural differences of ethnic Serbs Roma points out how all of Orthodox Roma .
could not understand the reasons that prompted the mayor to create Pili this case, could not understand why little has been done to integrate these people.
There has been talk of the high degree of Roma with criminal records who had chosen to stay Terralba, we talk about many problems exist.
But we can not stand by and watch, we can not continue to see these acts, a of the largest evacuations of Sardinia, but can not remain unpunished especially a mayor who leaves of their common children, however, until the child reaches eighteen years of age have the same rights as Italian children, regardless of any possible discomfort more of these young people.
For these and many other reasons, our party, some associations, wishing to speak directly to the European Community, but also condemn the serious violations committed by the mayor of Terralba the Strasbourg Court, so that every citizen is granted equal status but especially that no mayor has the obligation and the right to undertake battles and ethnic and xenophobic.
Eleonora Casula
PRC SE Sardinia
Regional Office Area
rights and immigration
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Erection While Getting A Waxing
Funding for the Roma camps outside EU territory
CAGLIARI, 1 July 2008 - The Regional Council today approved the allocation of 500 thousand euro for social inclusion measures in favor of staying in nomadic municipal courts. The sum is in addition to half a million euro, the Regional Council has included in the 2008 Budget and on the reform of camping in the region.
Assessor Dirindina made the point on the operations activated during these four years, eleven picnic areas and municipalities located in Alghero, Cagliari, Carbonia, Ghilarza (no longer active), Monserrato, Nuoro, Olbia, Porto Torres, San Nicolò D'Arcidano, Sassari and Selangor; actions to support the inclusion of Travellers in the local community, the education of children, adult literacy, the contrast of abuse and lawlessness, attempts at mediation and cultural value of volunteering.
"Last year - said the commissioner - we have set out detailed rules for the construction of camping and the use of public goods: the fields should be divided into pitches (in principle no more than 20), equipped with independent water and power connection, each of which will accommodate one or more families (basically no more than three) on the basis of the decision taken independently by their own families and ethnic groups in accordance with the present, for the use of a pitch is granted on the basis of an act providing for the payment of commitment a monthly fee, even symbolic, however, compared to the economic capabilities of this population. Permission is granted to a nomad family for a maximum of two years and is renewable in view of the commitments are respected. "
In assessing applications for funding came from the municipalities, the Board considered it necessary to take account of the activities with resources already allocated and the debris still regional funding available from prior years. In view of this nomadic population size and magnitude of the eligible cost, the 500 thousand euro for the rehabilitation of the parking area were as follows: € 100,000 to the City of Nuoro for extraordinary repairs and completion of the first facilities; € 200,000 to the City of Selangor for the start of renovation of the existing field; € 50,000 to the City of Porto Torres for maintenance work, such as outdoor lighting and sprinkler system completed; € 150,000 to the City of Olbia for the start of work construction of a new parking area.
With regard to the staging area Cagliari, for which the City has applied for funding, the Regional Council agreed with the Department of Social Policy Cagliari starting the reclamation of the existing field with the use of part of the amounts allocated and the preparation of a new project for the realization of a transit stop and consistent with the broad and regional legislation, which will be subject to further assessment.
Additional € 500 thousand was allocated to the municipalities of Olbia, Porto Torres, Nuoro and Selangor as a contribution to cover the costs of staging camp management and financing of social inclusion activities of the nomadic population, such as school placement and support of school children, prevention and enforcement dell'accattonaggio nomadic children, the promotion of educational and literacy of the adult population.
CAGLIARI, 1 July 2008 - The Regional Council today approved the allocation of 500 thousand euro for social inclusion measures in favor of staying in nomadic municipal courts. The sum is in addition to half a million euro, the Regional Council has included in the 2008 Budget and on the reform of camping in the region.
Assessor Dirindina made the point on the operations activated during these four years, eleven picnic areas and municipalities located in Alghero, Cagliari, Carbonia, Ghilarza (no longer active), Monserrato, Nuoro, Olbia, Porto Torres, San Nicolò D'Arcidano, Sassari and Selangor; actions to support the inclusion of Travellers in the local community, the education of children, adult literacy, the contrast of abuse and lawlessness, attempts at mediation and cultural value of volunteering.
"Last year - said the commissioner - we have set out detailed rules for the construction of camping and the use of public goods: the fields should be divided into pitches (in principle no more than 20), equipped with independent water and power connection, each of which will accommodate one or more families (basically no more than three) on the basis of the decision taken independently by their own families and ethnic groups in accordance with the present, for the use of a pitch is granted on the basis of an act providing for the payment of commitment a monthly fee, even symbolic, however, compared to the economic capabilities of this population. Permission is granted to a nomad family for a maximum of two years and is renewable in view of the commitments are respected. "
In assessing applications for funding came from the municipalities, the Board considered it necessary to take account of the activities with resources already allocated and the debris still regional funding available from prior years. In view of this nomadic population size and magnitude of the eligible cost, the 500 thousand euro for the rehabilitation of the parking area were as follows: € 100,000 to the City of Nuoro for extraordinary repairs and completion of the first facilities; € 200,000 to the City of Selangor for the start of renovation of the existing field; € 50,000 to the City of Porto Torres for maintenance work, such as outdoor lighting and sprinkler system completed; € 150,000 to the City of Olbia for the start of work construction of a new parking area.
With regard to the staging area Cagliari, for which the City has applied for funding, the Regional Council agreed with the Department of Social Policy Cagliari starting the reclamation of the existing field with the use of part of the amounts allocated and the preparation of a new project for the realization of a transit stop and consistent with the broad and regional legislation, which will be subject to further assessment.
Additional € 500 thousand was allocated to the municipalities of Olbia, Porto Torres, Nuoro and Selangor as a contribution to cover the costs of staging camp management and financing of social inclusion activities of the nomadic population, such as school placement and support of school children, prevention and enforcement dell'accattonaggio nomadic children, the promotion of educational and literacy of the adult population.
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