the October 11th streets in Orissa also U.S.
The Communist Youth Federation of PRC of Oristano, 11 October, the streets to express their disagreement with government policies.
As stated in the call issued a few days ago by members of the electoral cartel Rainbow Left, you must rebuild the opposition outside the Parliament building on the social issues.
The need to create a strong social opposition to the policies is also important to Berlusconi in Sardinia and in particular in the province of Oristano, where the provincial government, municipal government in the capital and most common in the middle right hand, which is why it is appropriate to show the morning of 11 October in the streets of Oristano.
It 'important for us to demonstrate against a government that acts to further its own interests, shifting the emphasis from the public.
We need a mass demonstration to express our dissent to the maneuvers of the government, pointing the finger on everyday problems such as high cost of living, youth unemployment and no, job insecurity, the poor pensions, salaries that are locked and all the food and taxes and increase spending, cuts in public school and the shameful school reform.
remind all the national appeals unit
The aggressive policies of the center-right government, supported primarily by Confindustria, drawing the picture of an Italy turned in on itself and looks to the future with fear, a country where few commands, where the work is constantly being humiliated and mortified, in which the emergency constantly evoked to justify the restoration of a class society racist and sexist. Who sees the poor and the marginal and different, their principal enemies. Denies that, especially in migrants, the recognition of citizenship rights with laws such as the Bossi Fini, who not only leads to hiding and illegal employment, but trample on the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof the response of the right to umanità.Questa deep crisis in the financial aspect only, through the process of globalization and neoliberal theories that have claimed. One answer, of course, ignores the fact that only a decided change of economic model operating today can solve dramatic problems, of which the most serious global ecological crisis. It is left to oppose idea of \u200b\u200banother company and a coherent program in defense of democracy and the living conditions of people. It 's a response that can not be late and the only way to overcome the consequences of electoral defeat and political. We propose therefore to contribute the construction of an opposition that can speak to the country from the following objectives: 1. take action for peace and disarmament in the face of all the risks of war, which is particularly acute in the arena of Caucaso.La bet give perspective to the role of Europe as the main protagonist of a policy that puts an end to ' unilateralism of the Bush administration, its program of missile defense and expansion of military bases around the world, the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan (where the presence of Italian troops has not been any justification), but also to the syndrome of great power is possession of Putin's Russia, 2. require large-scale action to defend wages and pensions wiped out the high cost of living, which causes a malaise that right in an attempt to transform social selfishness, war between the poor, in economic protectionism completely insensitive to the persistence of imbalances between North and South. Faced with the scourge of "murder whites" need to step up inspections and impose sanctions on companies. It is also to enhance all forms of work: job insecurity and fighting against illegal work, including through the establishment of a new legislative framework, supporting the income of the unemployed and unemployed young people, gaining acceptance of forms of informal employment and solidarity economy 3. fend off to public school, university research and culture, National Health Service, the rights of workers and collective bargaining. It 's a real demolition implemented through an action of indiscriminate cuts and layoffs, the introduction of privatization processes, and an ideological offensive marked by a return to the past to light yellow press (single teacher, etc.).. The objective of the government the right to strike at the heart of the welfare institutions that guarantee the exercise of citizenship rights. The sink consists of a hypothesis of fiscal federalism deprived of every principle of mutual solidarietà4. respond vigorously to the attack on the policies to combat men's violence against women, recognizing the political value of fighting to all forms of patriarchal domination, and of women's freedom of women in public space and personal choices, 5. support the value of the secular state and recognize the right of citizenship to requests for the free movement of sexual selection and those related to their biological destiny, 6. support the territorial disputes (No Tav, No Dal Molin, etc..) that they intend to act democratically on topics of great value to the community, from the collective decisions on environmental issues, health and community property., first of all 's water. What you are saying to the government with the right idea of \u200b\u200bcorporate communications, selfish, rude and bad, idea of \u200b\u200bsociety that threatens to transform our cities and their suburbs in the places of exclusion. Need to increase capacity for radical change of policies on waste management and energy system. With the center the most efficient use of resources and the use of renewable sources. Overcoming the destructive logic of megaimpianti territories, climate and resources are being exhausted. E 'fundam ental sustain a strong resumption of the antinuclear movement that rejects the unrealistic policy of the government in the field energetico.7. oppose all authoritarian temptations to deny or restrict fundamental democratic freedoms and civil rights, beginning with the selection of government since the themes of justice, communication and press freedom. Or in terms of election law by calling into question the constitutional rights of association and representation. It is also to affirm a culture of legality against the grain to ensure strong immunity with ad personam laws to criminalize the deboli.Per these reasons and with these objectives we want to build together a course that gives voice to an effective opposition, which exceed the disappointment caused by the failure in many of the Prodi government and the defeat of the contemporary left, and collect resources and ideas for this country in distress. The current parliamentary minority certainly not capable of performing this task, but not alone, busy with 'consociational by drives in terms of institutional reforms, and some aspects of economic and social policies (like so many awkward silences demonstrate the Alitalia case that brought the school attack, the militarization of the management of waste from Campania of many local ordinances affecting the same constitutional principles). We must instead know understand the systematic nature of the offensive conduct from the right, is the democratic, than on civil and social, in order to generate social and political opposition that has the ambition to defeat the Berlusconi government. Therefore, we propose a mobilization on the left to "working together" in order to elicit a broad front of opposition, despite the different perspectives of left movements, associations, committees and individuals, will be able to contribute effectively to counter the policies of this governo.Al this end we propose the convening of an initiative for the October 11 mass, and unified public, addressing all the political, social and cultural left and asking each of them to contribute to an initiative that is only one part. Our aim to help start a new political season marked by protests, even territorially divided, on individual issues and on specific issues raised.
We believe that expressions of Oristano to be taken as the symbolic site of opposition to the political right to all "The Other Sardinia" that intends to do, "another opposition."
ask why membership of political parties, trade unions, and especially to men and women, students, workers, clerks, to be able to build a strong opposition even from this basic starting our territory.
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