Thursday, October 14, 2010

Good Hairdresser Brampton Weave

Sorry for disturbing you with a letter that falls outside our normal subjects. In the bottom of this
found a letter, rather than discouraged, that activities of a very young work in progress, and former student of the School of Human Rights Coordinamenbto Comasco for Peace, sent on the mailing list of our civic list.
but I thought it was appropriate to send because it is of a young noble of mind and very much engaged in our civic list and that, therefore, represents a rare type of youth today.
I am attaching also the letter of reply that I sent.
I hope that reading the letter of Mark may also be useful for you as it did for me, to stimulate a sense of personal responsibility that should not lead us to give up politics.
Greetings to all. Claudio

Subject: Marco Gambarri
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2010 10:06:47 +0200

I hope everyone has noticed and read the letter of Mark.
I did and I would say I'm glad to know that Mark and I can only thank her for this beautiful letter.
I'm glad I did not wrong when, years ago, knowing him, I judged one of the best young people with whom I happened to work.

The mood of Marco know him very well because for many years I find myself frequently try the same feelings of despair which describes in his letter.
How could it be otherwise? The reality that goes around tends to lead to despair anyone keep a minimum of human consciousness.
By sheer luck, however, always happen to me very beautiful things (and I hope that God Almighty will continue to send them to me) that I return hope and courage.
gaze of my children, but also, the incredible life energy that emit from his eyes and see the bodies of many young people I meet in my activities in high schools (Mark, in his time, was one of them).

Perhaps the past 40, it begins to age, and perhaps that is beginning to have faith rather than in their forces in those who are younger than us. And it starts like also to enter into the shoes of those who dispenses advice. At the risk of seeming pathetic or paternalistic want to do with Mark which binds me a deep bond of affection and esteem: Mark, you must not yield to despair! You do not have and can not! They are people like you that color and give hope to this our humanity! I know it's hard not to find the square of its existence, but age is the unavoidable condition you're experiencing. I know that your generation is even harder for the generations who have gone before: you do not even have the security of a job, whatever it is. But you have the future in your hands, as others have had in their past, and you can not throw it away.

our task, we've been through 40, is to do everything we can to support you, and for me this is the meaning of my political action and commitment of my office.

Courage, then! Things can change. And I am convinced that, like it or not, they will change, perhaps faster than we can imagine. Moreover, history shows that intelligence and civilization, sooner or later, have always triumphed over ignorance and barbarism. We think that living condition of young Europeans of the Twenties thirty. So it really seemed that he had already triumphed over barbarism, and there was no longer any hope to store in the future. But today we know that those who managed to resist, so hold on to the end keeping alive the flame of hope in the end prevailed.

will be true today. I'm sure. You only need to have patience and, above all, never stop to make a personal commitment (especially when the road gets harder) to keep the flame of hope.


Date: Fri, November 12, 2010 18:40:24 +0100
Subject: Re: [lavoriincorso] To die for no real reason

we define intelligent than other ETIN and cultures to be violent when we're disgusting , and we love violent, because we do violeza a similar mean doing violence to ourselves, and it is this violence to ourselves that is very worrying!
We call ourselves intelligent not realizing that the abuse is the stupidest thing that exists, we do not appreciate what we have and do not appreciate life, the nature of our fellows!
A people willing to kill for no longer matters of life and death as perhaps happened one time and how is still in certain other areas in the world, it kills stupid and useless trivia!
Abuse of all we have, alcohol, food, money ... we abuse our own lives with uncontrolled actions, give habit dates from the nerves to the stars after a day of hard work locked up in a sad company slaves are forced to make a living by pests crushed by its cost and its routine, we do not have a social life! We give so many schemes and we love to rot in these schemes, while someone is playing with us!
I think there is an answer to this, there is an answer but maybe we are not wanting to accept ...
... man no longer believes in himself, in the other and in God .. man that is sad and disappointed that our company has produced, the man has forgotten the spirit, man has sold his soul to the matter!
wars waged for greed and power ... and I wonder if the families of those poor dead soldiers in Afghanistan are able to accept it for those deaths, I wonder if one day be able to say: \u0026lt;Well , did for his country, he did a right thing ... for good!>. I sincerely doubt it can do it! What are we doing still at war?! what does the world still at war in 2012 ?!!... OH, THE WORLD OF SMART technology capacity STUNNING!
not be surprised at all, man loses his head and collapses in his depression because it has nothing to believe in, the man knows but does not want to admit that the majority of the shares on a day that does not we care for nothing ... you live by chance and often so do not be surprised if one kills or dies by chance! has lost everything of value and will be really hard to return hope and desire to live in those who have lost!
Now as we are now offering only negativity and lies, we are dazed and often miss those figures, those models that could help us find the right spirit, to continue to struggle with hope and passion and I hope that these models are brought out to us, I hope that we can to promote the good and love, I hope to revise the boys 13/14 years to explode with desire to live as I did at their age!
I can only say that as a young man can barely expect to build a future in such a place, in such a world ... I struggle to think they can give birth to other innocent children to drown in this scenario but unfortunately if I end up believing this would stop ... to believe in the future!
I am also a victim of Babylon ... I just learned how to defend myself not to become one of them, one of us, because this mechanism does not work!
I ask you to take a step back ... the limit is now exceeded by the abuse, let us pause and reflect on how we can all do to protect us during the struggle for the truth!
Part everything from us!
Marco Gambarri


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Tivano the short run and the two local winds to blow to our civil commitment

Monday, October 4, 2010

Neck Hurts Worse As Day Goes On

Trieste & Monte Prat

Lately I've neglected the blog for two reasons: the first is that the accident did not allow me to race with the right spirit, the second because I'm committed to finishing Forlanini of the race and keeping alive the site of the trail.
I could not, however, did not comment on the Italian Championship trail: they were the first ever and we expect them curiously.
The reason was simple: In the last national competitions, for various reasons, the technical level of competition had dropped alarmingly! that I was coming from the land and superweekend Finnish O-ringen I do not capacitive the fact that our type of Trail to stop low-level questions.
My fear has increased after the race on Saturday: 11 control points, 5 of which are very basic, to a point where only one person answered correctly! 5 points in time too binding (a mapping canceled wrong ...).
not want to dig up some levity because I reset this part of the race, despite what I write my result was good and could have been even better if my vision of sport was linked exclusively to the classification (chi c ' know what I was alluding to).
In this post I want to tell, however, what was really the Italian league and that is the race on Sunday! here, during the race I felt those feelings that I experienced in Scandinavia: Italian and foreign opponents of high-level location set amidst fields and woods with many points more or less easy, finally affected me in that voice that says "if I'm good right now!" and "we hope that this is the right one."
I am happy because the rankings reflected the true values \u200b\u200bof the participants, not because I feel the third in Italy but because Remo and Guido are the two best and Renato is immediately behind, Alberto and Marina have perhaps shown their limits on days that do not fit and will not do this if you can afford to compete with very strong opponents.
Stegal because I'm happy for his modesty is always there, just behind the best as Median those of football, they are surprised by the performance of the athlete Lazio and curious to see her at work because one thing that everyone says that this is a sport for old and lame, "but no one has noticed that women have a capacity greater than nearly colleagues men! maybe it's just this thing that annoys Middle Eastern, accustomed to read the letters W, as a category below ....
may seem controversial but I am bothered by the joke president (thankfully not translated into English guests present) who confirmed the idea that the trail should be done only under certain conditions. I personally consider the trail a discipline (or not call it sport) completely different orientation classic is a sport of the head, as they could be chess, sudoku, checkers, cards, takes place outdoors and the need for a vision worthy of a land surveyor or cartographer. Being a young discipline needs time to establish the fees on which to base its rules and conventions, the cliché of the "sport of the controversy" arises from the fact that not everything has yet been codified, many times the weight of the plotter / cartographer feeding discussions that otherwise would not exist. On the psychological level compare a race in those competitions with multiple answers: examination at the end, when dealing with friends, he goes on to criticize / argue about the wrong answers and look for any excuse to make it less bitter the error made, and behold, in my opinion, after the race trail of clicks this human mechanism that leads people to seek excuses for their mistakes.
analyzing the race, I think the best thing is knowing that you could make the path clear, it seems trivial but knowing that he would have won is equivalent to the CO when we analyze the split, many athletes say, "if I had not I could get wrong here ...". It 's true that with "if and but" not going anywhere but psychologically it is very different than saying, "even if I had I could not get wrong ..." (O-ringen 2010, when the race without any mistakes I would not get in mid-table).
why I'm happy with my trip to Monte Prat, I enjoyed it, I won a medal and I know I can still do better! finish the season in this way is the best thing ....
Best wishes to PLAB who manages to get sick just during the event which was very important, it was fortunate that the regulation of the team trophy has changed or the fourth place was not within our reach.