government proposed agenda against the government tightened security-
Proposed Agenda Provincial Council and / or municipal
Given that:
Migration is a historical fact, permanent and structural societies that no prohibition, no policy can remove restrictive and repressive.
Through migration, with a conscious attitude of the changes brought about by neoliberal policies and globalization, the West can question and consider how a society no longer based on unbridled competition and the consequent marginalization of those without sufficient means to consume but rather has neither the means of subsistence, nor the hope of a possible future.
Given that:
The same security policies followed by the last government was based evoking emergency immigration and security and has led to an allocation of public resources for 3 / 4 in police intervention and only a quarter of social policies real, worsening the social impact of the phenomenon.
The climate of insecurity, thus addressed, the country has fueled a latent racist and xenophobic attitudes, which has legitimized the Prodi government, following the rape and killing in Rome of Carlo Reggiani, by a citizen of Romania, October 31, 2007 to approve extraordinary measures, called security package, specifically directed against new EU citizens as the Romanians.
The statistics provided by the Department of PS present in the policy document, provided by the Ministry of Interior, which accompanies the package, show that the number of homicides from 1993 to 2006 increased from 1065 to 621, as has happened with regard to theft and muggings, while always the same sources, the physical violence committed by women are partners in the proportion of 62.45, those of 68 sex, 3%.
The measure thus adopted a special session of the Council of Ministers has caused negative reactions of many European countries, in particular the difficulties put in the same relationship with Romania.
The same decree, called the security package was converted twice in the legislative decree for the reactions that caused in the country, and the last Legislative Decree 32, February 28, 2008, "Changes and additions to the Legislative Decree 6 February 2007, No 30, implementing Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of EU citizens and their families to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States "was then approved only for the part about the alleged terrorists.
recalled that
The same campaign has only served to evoke the danger of security without adequate publicity to promote social inclusion by the forces on the territories that now form the opposition in Parliament and in the country.
As promised during the election campaign, Berlusconi's government has already started to operate to worsen the living conditions of migrant women and men present in Italy, taking as a yardstick to hit the weakness, foreshadowing an equal policy toward Italians weak.
Doubt abduction of a child by a Neapolitan Roma was the spark of serious episodes of Naples, where Roma camps have been set on fire with the help of many citizens, and at least 400 Roma have been rounded up or assumed by Police.
Interior Minister Maroni, along with other colleagues, has already tried to submit a new security decree that has two fundamental objectives. Get
review strictly of the Schengen Treaty to restrict the free movement of new EU citizens, in particular Bulgaria and Romania.
Enter the offense, arrest, for "illegal immigration", or transforming into a criminal offense that is so far an administrative penalty.
The implementation of these steps was not possible because once again the face of racist reactions instill in society, and popular reactions to the fear of an uncontrolled spiral did make a half astern on the crime of illegal immigration.
The introduction of the latter would only lead to an increase in clandestinizzazione of people, greater difficulty in achieving successful projects of social and economic inclusion, greater blackmail of migrants whose "regular" is constantly subjected to the sword of Damocles of the employment contract.
The result, far from guaranteeing the safest cities, would lead only to see the growing social problems, to fill the prisons and detention centers, to clog the courtrooms, to make even the most insurmountable gap between natives and immigrants entered, immigrants and to hunt. The losers would be the poorest ones and those convicted of illegal workers, and those who have not yet found an opportunity for socio-economic integration.
A program that finds its counterpart in the forthcoming European directive that could be put to the vote of the European Parliament and providing for the extension of detention period in cpt - up to 18 months - the ability to arrest, detain and deport even unaccompanied minors, the ban of at least 5 years. At the same time will be made available more resources to patrol and enforcement at sea at the entrance and intervene more obstacles to obtaining the recognition of refugee status and have access to family reunions.
This assembly engages ... ... ... ..
to stigmatize and strongly condemn the pogrom against the Romanians, Bulgarians, Roma and all immigrants, and racist policies that the government is applying against the weakest, claiming partial facts and not determined
Remember this Government that the use of partial and counterproductive measures such as those above-named, would be even more harmful and contrary to European directives, as repeatedly recalled in the Italian government.
reminds this government that this repression of vulnerable and weakened, if the same policy toward Italian herald a weak, would be a tragic mistake, which shows that there is no intention to govern the real spectrum serious threat to world hunger and degradation of the planet.
To reiterate firmly against any crime and who threatens the security of citizens whose causes can not be attributed to immigration. A fundamental
consider a policy of integration based on the creation of strong social ties between immigrants and natives in the area and we invite all workers and citizens to impegnaesi and mobilize against all forms of xenophobia and racism.
to continue on the land policy in this direction have already carried out and provide to the communities in the area of \u200b\u200bbirth and to Italian citizens the means to enhance the experience of integration, education, health, housing, employment, even in the bud to prevent our area of \u200b\u200bseparation, fences, ghettos.
to act on other provincial governments in this direction, putting in place policies that communicate with each other, and especially urge the establishment at the Sardinia Region of a regional law on immigration, which may already exist for other conditions, but also a regional law on immigration that takes into account the specificities recognized by our Constitution and of the Italian Constitution on autonomy legislated.
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