deadline to register to vote in the European ... ....
EU citizens can participate to vote and stand in relation to the European elections, although resident in a member country other than that nationality.
In this case, according to existing legislation, notably Directive No 109 of 6 December 1993 the European Union, the right to vote in the election of representatives to European Parliament can also be exercised in the other member state in which citizens have the residence, and are registered to the resident population. In this case the election will affect the members of the European Parliament belonging to Italy, for those who live in Italy. Obvious that the right to vote in European elections can not be exercised more than once per election, so voters in Italy waiver in the same voting rights in his country of origin.
an order from the Interior Ministry, central management of electoral services, No 2 of 22 January 2009, were given instructions concerning the operational the right to vote, particularly on the effectiveness of the guarantee of the right to vote to citizens. The instructions cover the conditions of enrollment in the electoral list in addition to the local council, the request is to disseminate information useful to the exercise of this right.
As is well known in the previous election data on the participation of EU citizens resident were quite telling: in a very few have exercised that right.
The European Commission has sent a recommendation to member states to be given ample notice of the conditions for exercising the right to vote. The recommendation involved even the prefects and presidents of autonomous regions who have been asked to invite the municipalities to send personal letters to individuals residing in their territory with the pattern of demand and the information for his presentation.
The circular port as an attachment a multilingual form to subscribe to lists and a European manifesto for information.
requirements to exercise the right to vote are quite synthetic: in addition to personal data shall specify the jurisdiction of the Member State in which it is registered as voters, to prevent them from exercising their right to vote twice, you should indicate the 'address in the state of origin and address of residence in Italy. Will must also declare, under their own responsibility, to want to exercise their right to vote in Italy and possess the ability to vote under the laws of the state of which he is a citizen, the absence of judicial proceedings against that involves loss of the active electorate. It should not be present or be exchanged no condemnation or other measures under the laws of the country of origin, either temporarily or permanently prevent the exercise of the right to vote. In this way you get the enrollment in the electoral roll added.
remember that the date for elections is established between 4 and 7 June 2009 and that the questions to be included in the list added to the voters at the town of residence, must be submitted within 90 days prior to the date of the referendum that is by March 9, 2009.
strongly recommend interested parties to acquire the form and send it, or asking for personal stamp on the receipt to your copy, or by registered mail with return receipt requested, to have proof of registration has been applied in the appropriate lists.
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