Sunday, May 9, 2010

How Often Can You Give Double Reds Blood


middle Italian Championship: the game is historically more participatory, and pending since the distances are not prohibitive and there are batteries in which we play access to the final. That's why, this year, with just 400 members this event is output some resized. Was rather sad to see rankings very short or even with battery useless. I will not be here to analyze the reasons for this phenomenon because everyone has their own idea ....
In M35, the complicity of the establishment of the new M45 category, the entries were not very numerous: 21 athletes at the start of which only 13 in the final! the big names stayed home were at least 5, but commit to this Monte Livata was still thick. Already booked the first two places, Rigoni - Pin, remained the bronze which served as a virtual victory, on paper must be within reach of the new star Dario P. orienteering but, at times, reserve some surprises. In the large group, however, a number of athletes with different characteristics: those who fast but not very technical, some technical, but slow, some both.
The land and the paper are misleading: forest faggetto bottom clean and plain white paper suggests high speeds but the risk is to go out of range and finish, confused, in the middle depressions, hills and glades all similar. The distances are provided immediately too long: 9 kmsf. (End-M35) to go in 30'-35 '(by regulation) mean 4' to kmsf.! maybe, just Rigoni, is able to do this .... For this reason, the master of the knot before the race, It is theorized the podium with 50 M35 '.
But first things first: let's start with Friday afternoon and arrive in Milan at 15 to 24 Subiaco! this could be a reason why not too many orienteers northern Italy have decided to cross the Apennines, this weekend. Saturday morning, the weather forecast is what people like me: cold, light rain, fog, meaning that nobody wants to be outdoors, but all remain holed up in cars and tents in the few companies (I attended the lecture given by 'ErTeam on how to erect a tent ....).
The arrival area is the same as a stage of 5 days a few years ago; The starting point is about twenty minutes with warm-up available.
I try to do some point and I realize that this kind of morphology need for an eye as the contours are not always parallel on the same coast, further attention is required to decipher as a symbol has been used to draw groups of stones and rocks that appear in certain areas, in depression there is still some snow. As mentioned above, this paper there are no major difficulties, if the focus was, conversely, the risk is to waste time if, suddenly, you lose control of their movements. My semi-final is not very difficult: only a few points could make the difference but otherwise there are enough elements that allow for safe navigation.
My race is not the best: quiet part of town, trying not to risk serious mistakes, and I just feel heavy and slow (fortunately that Stegal had the same symptoms during his race ...). I lose more than a minute to 4 where I go along even though I had chosen a good point of attack (the two yellow to SE), all right up to the 11 where he lost almost 2 minutes making me a boy who tries to influence my own lantern .. .. since he comes from that area where I found the point to be there, wondering if I've seen the lantern, I'm going to try few meters to the east.
Bad error to 12: For once I can trust to go to the compass: north, straight for straight! probably because of my lack of familiarity with this tool I'm looking for the lantern to the west too, managing to find two points located a few tens of meters between them. I think I lost about 4 'when we finally cross that has just punched Frizz ... From there, the arrival is a long pull to get back in number of skilled workers.
Despite the cold, once again, I went beyond my threshold with the result that the head went into crisis, I think it is a symptom of poor training at high rates and therefore quite justified. As expected, the thirteen finalists' names were those predicted even if the Bard put his neck .... analyzing the split I realized that Darius P. (The dream) was wrong more than 10 'and then I realized that his physical potential was indeed superior to us all old master "historic."
In other categories the greatest surprises came from representatives of Lazio as they could be inserted between the usual suspects. Afternoon and evening, with Mary and Stegal, passed in Fiuggi, various locations across the scene of events of the past since this area offers an ideal terrain for guidance.
Sunday morning the weather is completely different: bright sun, cool temperatures and loud music to welcome the few tourists Sunday, Stegal takes almost two hours to make the B final and anticipates a mid-ramp that make you sweat a lot. I liked the time when almost all the finalists M35 found themselves talking and joking with each other: each of them gave the maximum, shortly thereafter, to take that bronze could win but the weather showed that gogliardico everyone was calm and enjoy this opportunity.
The course of the final I did not like much: that trattone in half is not much to middle and various routes have enhanced the complexity of the land, perhaps, I am influenced by the locations seen on the international sites, where the middle is a technical race with at least 20-25 points max. 2 minutes! Sunday in the plot, only the 10 to 16 gave the chills the rest of the sections seemed to be more long. Obviously, times have suffered and even Rigoni has managed to stay under 35 'that would be a threshold for making references, and only I knew Seidenari remained below 4' Kmsf. and do not run in M35, then the time reference should be quite different .... not to mention the B final, being reserved to the excluded, should be much shorter! The grid, each 2 ', could be expanded given the few starters: there was no need to bring together three categories to a single track to start all so close.
My test was quite good, marred by two mistakes from about 2 'each: the first point, wrong by more than one person was malicious because the language on yellow paper, which in reality you could see in front of the Swedish, was not what led to the circle when, after the error, I'm back in the points I heard the arrival of "the dream", initially I thought I'd give up the race then, because the time lost was less than two minutes, I thought the length of the race, I immediately decided to make myself overcome by the athlete to Trentino not busting my rhythm and my concentration because its wheelbase is more than one category, I could see him miss the third, among the fields and when to punch, I recommended to run more quietly and focus better on paper. As soon as he disappeared from my view (after) I started my race even though the speed was not crab could keep a steady pace and with fairly minimal errors in the points. To the point seven cruisers and the Bard did not understand a big gap to him .... Remo, who started two minutes ahead of me, not even the shadow.
When Henry is far beyond me that runs with ease irritating, after the central loop ramp fun after the second mistake I made: in paragraph 11, this has also made its victims, followed the language yellow (as above), but I realized that the rock was on the left to search dell'avvallamento ! even here, a couple of minutes lost, but during the ramp to the 12 I saw the silhouette of Remo. Here I have to debunk what they want to display Remo: In recent years, he always comes from the 100 to finish with a ridiculous pace, but this scene is just because its pace is very different in the woods! at the end of the loop I was able to take it but I made a choice for the 17 at risk: instead of up and down I was around the back on the road! I arrived just after the lantern Remo (who chose the other option) but I realized that split from the tour had not paid.
In the end I reached Bussi and I remember the final of the relay a few years ago, always on such land, where he lost the challenge for the silver this time in front of me could not sign their own better! The final results do justice to the forces at work: Rigoni before the duo Pin - Pedrotti (they have almost the same pitch) and master behind the large group of "real" enclosed in minutes.
Eventually, however, were a little too happy with all those who had lost a few seconds of a medal, there were no big surprises but some medals "family" have made it look even smaller than the circus orientation. Return journey still with tails but at least we had fun!


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