Sunday, December 5, 2010

Make Perfect Stove Top Espresso

, what is, and what will happen (3 / 3 - What alternatives)

What alternatives ...

I do not want to stop thinking that another world is possible.
In this political framework for political projects that come from the person has no place.
There is no room for such projects do not share the top-down manner with which both the C. that M. need to be handled the power. A movement that aims to spread the power is a problem for those who want to manage the power behind the scenes.
With M. we have nothing in common. By C. of things in common they are, but should discuss the fundamental issues dear to the C., I mean for example the subject of life.
to build an alternative we need a faith and an incredible dedication.
Among us are very few who have it. I do not think it worthwhile to devote time and effort to involve people who do not believe that it is a priority commitment to the institutional policy, each of us has the tools to be assessed as a means feels it is necessary to build their future.
So I think the time has come to also contend with the powers that be.
Recognizing that the M. also exists in our country, and is rooted, it means having to acknowledge that there are governments in which power has infiltrated M.ioso. We are not able to recognize it. This means that we are running the risk of opening the doors to people colluded. If this happens, and one day we were to have the strength and good fortune to be able to govern in our country, this would have undermined our ability to existence. For ethical connotations that we ourselves would be a way by which M. could destroy what we have laboriously built. Should bear this in mind and think of a strategy to avoid being blackmailed.
By C. things are different. We have many things in common in what we believe, many of us suffered more or less feel part of the C. If the path we want to be doing is to open a political reflection on existential questions, because if and when we were to be represented politically risk that the first vote on these issues all melt is too high.
finally arrives to another node that I think should be dissolved. I want to share with you a concern, which is both a political project.
Meanwhile we construct a company owned many of the problems that affect our lives, and that will shape our children, will be resolved?
The urgency has never given good advice, but at the same time we must deal with a healthy dose of realism. The construction of a subsidiary is a political project of long-term initiatives also must know how to fall in the short and medium term. We believe that the end justifies the means, while we affirm this truth we must also be able to recognize that the means are the result of a process, and that the policy objective is to create tools, perhaps not perfect, but that allow us to move one direction. If we could to overcome the logic of all-never "(as opposed to the current policy" nothing-now "), perhaps we may be able to reconcile the long time which requires the construction of a subsidiary with emergencies in any case is good that someone we begin to face in practice.
the agendas of politicians, than it is now, for the reasons listed above but also that the next few years, there is no room for a responsible policy towards the environment, a policy that creates jobs, a policies that invest in culture and education, a policy which does not look cooperative but speculative in the world. The M. has need a political class that allows him to make money: landfills, poor education and work to hire labor.
If we just look at our house, ops. cosa nostra, no future, but everywhere in Europe is not so. In other states of Europe 's the green movement is taking a hit until a few years ago unexpected. The European Greens have nothing to do with the Italians. The Greens in Northern Europe is a success that goes beyond the capacity of their leaders, and is born from having responded to a question that many Europeans are doing. In a globalized world, where the manpower, resources come from Asia, Africa and soon the last of the levers of power, finance, no longer European heritage, and with it our ability to cease consumption, which in the end it was our reason for existence in the last 50 years. In the world that will be 'the role that citizens can have? What job will make our children?
We know that a sober lifestyle combined with clean technologies, will enable us to face future challenges. This represents the assets, production and knowledge of Europe. But if this is true for Germany, unfortunately it is not for Italy. Behind the success of Green movement in northern Europe there is a sustainable economy. If we could promote sober lifestyle, supporting a sustainable economy, then we could give birth to a new political project in Italy. The construction of a political project through its ability to promote the rights and duties identification of interests to be protected. I mean, being green without becoming the "green" and talk with C. without becoming the new DC in Italy is a place of politics that is waiting for someone to be busy.


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